You have listed the “Butler County Constitution Party” as an “Active Patriot Group” for the year 2011. We are honored to be on such a list and sharing in this honor with many other patriotic groups such as Oath Keepers, We the People, the John Birch Society, Sheriff,, the Tenth Amendment Center and the Berks County Tea Party to name just a few.
This would also place us in the list with great patriots from our nation’s past, such as; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Patrick Henry, and Thomas Paine. I declare that we feel unworthy to share in this honor with them; however, we thank you for the consideration.
Upon perusal of your website, I realized that you do not consider a patriot as a good thing. You boldly make the claim, without any evidence, that we can be potentially dangerous. This statement could be said about anyone or everyone as all are human. It can therefor likewise be said that you and your organization is potentially dangerous. Have you even considered that the warnings and propaganda which you distribute to Federal, State and local law enforcement, demonizing many God Fearing and Liberty Loving patriots as dangerous, might just be the impetus to cause a deadly overreaction by some of these law officers? Do you think it possible that the blood of many innocent victims might already be chargeable to your activities?
The Constitution Party has never advocated the use of violence as a means for change. As a matter of fact, anyone who is striving to improve the human condition by working to bestow the blessings of liberty upon all of mankind would be diametrically opposed to the use of any form of coercion upon the minds of men. Coercion is violence, exercized in one form or another upon the liberty of another.
The Constitution Party is opposed to all forms of violent aggression. This may explain why we are opposed to the use of our military in shaping and molding foreign nations into our image. War should never be waged unless it is to defend our nation from an aggressor. John Quincy Adams aptly stated "America has abstained from interference in the concerns of others, even when the conflict has been for principles to which she clings....She goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own." (John Quincy Adams, Speech Delivered in Washington DC 04 July 1821) The Constitution Party does understand the importance of having a well prepared National Defense.
We also advocate the importance of standing together as citizens in our communities, in defense of our families, our homes and our liberties. For example, you may want to check out the “Butler county Sheriff Brigade”. You may even consider adding it to your patriot group list. The Sheriff Brigade is a local group of concerned and willing volunteers who will work with their Sheriff and local government structures to help provide for a safe, secure and happy place for families to be raised and for individuals to live and work.
As you can see, we are not as anti-government as you so boldly claim. It should be quite obvious to any thinking person that you are the group which should be given the label of anti-government! You are opposed to the patriot group Oath Keepers, which stresses to military and law enforcement the importance of keeping their oath of office. These individuals have solemnly sworn this oath before God to obey and defend the Constitution of these united States per requirement of the same. Your opposition to this proposition proves that you are anti-government or at least anti-constitutional government.
The Constitution Party is seeking to restore Constitutional Government. Once again, your opposition exposes your disdain for the Constitution. Our Constitution is one of the greatest achievements for the liberty of mankind, ever to be written on a piece of paper. It generated the greatest nation in human history; a nation where the human spirit was released from the shackles of government control and interference; a nation where the entrepreneurial, inventive and artistic spirit was set free, resulting in great prosperity and enormous advances in the sciences and technology which in turn blesses our lives with so many modern conveniences.
Unfortunately this prosperity has led to apathy and decadence. We as a nation have become blind to the principles which led to this greatness. This allows others to step in with dangerous agendas and false principles designed to enslave the human family. As this tyranny increases it becomes more obvious. Many are beginning to awaken to the direction which groups like you are leading us. You are in bed with this one world socialistic state which serves at the behest of large corporate structures and mega-financial institutions along with the elite of the world who feel a compulsion to assume their rightful place as our masters. To this I declare “No king but King Jesus” (motto of the American Revolution)
You deny the existence of this New World Order or One World Government or whatever designation which you feel inclined to give it. Affixed at the end of this letter is a list of links which will document the designs of the global elite to formulate such a government on the ashes of our Constitution and the sovereignty of all Nation States. On your website, you slyly claim that these are nothing more than conspiracy theories.
Are you really the great investigative researchers you claim to be? If you were, you would be aware that the Constitution party of Butler County has been dormant for some time and we did not hold a single meeting in the year 2011, yet you claim that we were an active patriot group last year. Talk about conspiracy theories! If you truly felt the weight of the burden to alert mankind to the dangers which exist to their lives, liberty and property, you would be warning the American people of the very dangers which we foresee!
Law enforcement personnel and elected government servants are Americans too; don’t you dare try to divide us off into different camps against each other! How much blood do you want on your garments when you are brought forth to stand before your creator at the last day?
We are not anti-government and we are not out to kill cops. We are only opposed to unlawful, illegitimate and unconstitutional government and we will continue to speak out against the same despite your smear campaigns. If this makes us bad in your eyes, then it should be clearly confirmed to all that you are the enemy to good government. You are the enemy to free humanity and trust me on this one; you are in an extremely small minority!
Where does your authority come from?
Who funds you?
From whom do you receive your marching orders?
My answers are that you work for and in behalf of the New World Order Corporate Power Structure. They fund you; they brought you into existence and they tell you what to do. You are no more than a public opinion manipulator. Your job is to propagandize the American people and their governmental servants into believing your fables and false realities. You and your handlers have the end goal of destroying our Constitution, our free Nation State, our Families and the Liberty of a once free people. This you do for the benefit of your masters. Just remember that once you have done your job, no matter how well, your masters will turn on you and you and your children and your grandchildren will be slaves to the system which you have so dutifully helped to create.
You do not have to go down this road! There is still time! You can repent and live free!