_Lets Restore the Election Process Back to Its Constitutional Founding
I believe that unless this issue is addressed, any form of government (Ours included) that allows for the democratic selection of it's leaders to be controlled by party interests, will easily become co-opted and corrupted by the powers that be (those with the money) and that Nation will fall.
Many of our Nation’s Founders warned of the dangers of party. The power elite have easily co-opted our Nations so called two-party system which has caused the near complete decimation of our original Constitutional System and the loss of our Individual Liberty. The major party stranglehold on the election process needs to be deemed an illegal monopolization of the process and rules and penalties need to be imposed against this usurpation. The States need to provide for a free and unimpeded election process, thus guaranteeing a Republican form of government as required in the Constitution. Any political party should be reduced to a passive organization for the promotion of political ideals and for the offering of candidates for public office. A political party or group may offer only one candidate per office to be filled. The party or group may choose this candidate in such manner as they desire, however, Federal and State governments are not to be involved in this process and no taxpayer money will be used to fund the private selection processes of any party. Also there should be no Party designations on ballots, thus also eliminating straight party voting. This will make it difficult for uninformed individuals to vote, thus bringing back the power of the vote to those who truly care and who make the effort to be informed on both principles and candidates.
A return to the founder’s vision of the Electoral College for the election of President and Vice President could greatly help to reduce the party stranglehold. We should be electing a person from our district to whom we will give our trust, to assemble with others so chosen across the State, to assemble at the State Capitol on a set date to choose from a list of qualifying candidates. These electors whom we choose to select the Chief Officers of the Nation should be free from any tie to a political party and should be free to cast their vote for whomever they choose. This system should rid us of the constantly reoccurring media circus, which whips up our nation into a mindless frenzy every four years over who is elected as President. Are not the seats in Congress equally important to the welfare of our nation?
Following is a draft Resolution I have been working on to help educate and possibly someday remedy the difficulties we are presently operating under. I hope that it may get in the right hands where it can be improved upon and become effectual.
A Resolution Calling for the Restoration of Our Nations Elective Process.
WHEREAS, The Founding Fathers of our nation gave us strong warning about the baneful influences of “Party” within our political system; and
WHEREAS, The Constitution of the United States of America does not provide for the inclusion of any political party system within the election process therein described; and
WHEREAS, The same Constitution does not provide for any Federal involvement and use of funds for the private selection process of any political party in the selection of a candidate in what is termed as a “Primary”; and
WHEREAS, The same Constitution does not provide for the election of the President and Vice President of the United States by popular vote but rather by the selection of “Electors” who are free to choose from among a certified list of qualified candidates those persons whom they see as best fit to fill these two high offices in the Federal Government:
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that all direct “Party” involvement in the election process be quickly terminated; including but not limited to the following resolutions:
RESOLVED, that all “Party” designations be removed from the election ballots along with the option to vote a “straight party ticket”; and
RESOLVED, that Federal and State funds and properties not be used for the private selection of candidates to run under any political party name; including but not limited to the “Primary Election”; and
RESOLVED, that all party designations and controls be removed from the Electoral College; leaving them re-empowered to elect the President and Vice President of the United States according to the dictates of their own conscience rather than according to the wishes and designs of any political party.